Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Well this past Tuesday was my birthday. Mom, Hailey, and Dad all decorated my room with streamers. Then unfortunately for me I had to go to school. I got to school and ALL of my friends came up and said happy birthday and people around us would hear and say happy birthday. Lunch was the very worst though! The WHOLE lunch room sang to me at the top of their lungs. It started with my friends and then gradually more and more people started singing. People that I didn't even know sang to me. I could feel myself turning bright red!!! Then my sixth hour sang to me thanks to my friends. I got some pretty good presents.
I got a guitar and about 12 picks from Mom, Dad, and the kids.
Two WAY cute shirts from Grandma Nield. Thanks
$5 from Grandma Wilde
Soda and some chips from Cam. Thanks
and tons of stuff from my friends.
I will have to put all of the pictures that I got on here!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Funny pictures

Me and Hailey were taking funny pictures. So here they are:

These ones are of Hailey

These ones are of Taylor

And this scary one is of me!

Friday, October 10, 2008

News update

Well I came home from school on Wednesday and I walked in and my dad looked at me and smiled. He said "Tiffany just had her baby." I was so happy. I ended up missing my volleyball practice to go see CJ Nield. He is so tiny. Justin showed me a picture of Brylee when she was a baby and CJ looks just like she did but with strait hair.

This is a picture of CJ

Yesterday was parent teacher conferences. I wasn't at all worried. We got there and talked to my last hour teacher first. I had and A. We went through all of the rest of my classes and I had all A's. The lowest grade I have is 96% which is still an A. Mom was proud of me.
Last night my friends Kiley, Emmie, Cara Lee, Bri, and I all had a sleep over at Kiley's grandparents house. Her Grandma's bishop came and talked to us about all of the Clarkston Folklore out there. He started by telling us about the City Creek Woman. After that we were all a little freaked out. I wished that I could have gotten pictures of all of there faces. And since City Creek was right down the street we all wanted Kiley's cool uncle to take us down there to see if we could see the City Creek Woman. He said he would take us but Cara Lee was so scared that she couldn't go. So we decided that we would go to the Clarkston Cemetery instead but we couldn't go there either. Cara Lee got so scared that instead of watching a scary movie like we had planned, we had to watch "Nacho Libre". After you've seen that ten times it kinda gets old. All of us were a little upset that we couldn't do anything scary but we lived through the night!!!