Saturday, November 15, 2008

Which female Cullen are you?


go to to find out.

Quick update

Well since the school year has started I haven't had much time to update you guys on my boring life.

Well since the last time I wrote nothing much has happened. I had my mountain west tryouts! It was tons of fun!!! There is an A, B, and C team and I made it onto the 14 B team. So that's pretty good, but there still is a chance for about 5 of the girls on the B team to move up onto the A team and I am really hoping to move up onto the A team. Alot of my friends also tried out and we're on the same team. I really can't wait for the season to start.
And the end of tri is on Monday!! I have straight A's!!! I promise to TRY to update my blog alot more.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Volleyball has come and gone

Well my Rec. Volleyball season is over. My team got second place in the tournament. So we did pretty well. All of our team improved drastically through the season. I was so proud that we were so close to winning. But we had TONS of fun and that's all that matters.
Then in church volleyball my ward went to regionals and we played Wednesday. Wednesday we played 4 games. Then we played on Thursday and we played 2 games. And then we played on Friday and played 2 games and lost the second. If we had won we would've gone to the championship. We got fourth place. It was so much fun.
And on top of all of that, I have volleyball tryouts on Monday for Mountain West which is a club volleyball team. My cousin Kelsey, my friends Taylor and Kellee, and I are all trying out. We probably won't play on the same teams though. It just depends. So as soon as my dad downloads all of the pictures of volley ball I will download them.