Friday, December 12, 2008

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Well it's been a while and I forgot to tell you all about the tree. I all alone set up our family's Christmas tree and it took a lot longer than it should have cause we didn't have the directions, so I was stuck comparing the length of all of the leaves. After about an hour and a half, all of the leaves were hung up and we got all of the lights and the ornaments put on and it looked great. I just hope I don't have to put it up all by my self next year.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Volleyball practices!!!

Well on the first of December I had my first volleyball practice. About four or five girls got a chance to make the better 14 team. I, unfortunately, was not one of those girls. But at the end of practice they said that 1-2 girls would move up to the 15 year old team. They said they were thinking about letting me move up to that team. So for our conditioning we did 1:30 minutes of wall sits, 75 sit ups, and 30 push ups. I was fine with the sit ups and push ups but I couldn't feel my legs after the wall sits. So I went home not getting my hopes too high about moving up and that's really good because the teams had some problems and so they sent the 15 team up to the 16 team because they ended up with 4 girls. So no one moved up. But I'm gonna be okay with where I'm at so. . . just being able to play is good enough for me!!!