Friday, October 30, 2009

Season change

Well the volleyball season is over! BUT WAIT!!! Not quite yet! The freshman volleyball season is over but now its time for club to start! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! The freshman did amazing this year!!! We only lost one game and it was during Pre-season so it doesn't even count! All the girls were so amazing! I love them all to death and I'm gonna miss being with them for 2 hours everday after school and then longer for games! Our games were so much fun! So this season is changing from volleyball and instead of basketball season for me, its still volleyball season! :D YAY!!! I am so excited for club to start up again! It's going to be so much fun.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Part of a Team

Well, I was fortunate enough to make the volleyball team! YAY!!! Volleyball tryouts were August 11, 12, and 13. The first day of tryouts was very nerve racking! I really relaxed after the first hour realizing that I was going to make first cuts no matter what! The second day was a little more suspenseful! There was a bigger competition, but I still had to keep myself relaxed so I could focus on my plays! The third day was the worst! I was so worried! After the tryouts they sat us down and had a big talk about how those of us that made it would need to be ordering our uniforms and that for those of us that didn't make the team could still be part of volleyball by being a manager. None of us girls were really listening because we were focused on the varsity manager posting the results! My number was number 1 so the past couple days all I had to do was look at the top of the list to see if my number was there. As all of us ran to the door where the results were posted I looked at the top of the list and my number wasn't there! So I was about to start crying. And finally I realized that the numbers were out of order! :D Silly me! so i scrolled down the list and finally I found number 1!!!! I was so relieved! That was my miricle for the year!! ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Volleyball surprise!

The Elite Volleyball Camp that I went to was so much fun! There were coaches from USU, SUU, and of course my high school (Sky View). It was such a good thing that I did this camp because i had a chance to let the coaches all see what I can do even before tryouts! I had so many compliments about my technique and I even got to go play with the sophmores. That was way fun because the I had a TON of friends that are going to be on the sophmore team this year so I really fit in! I also met a lot of new people. That was way fun!
The freshman coach told me that I had a very good chance of making the team and for that I'm so excited to see if I will.
Volleyball tryouts are coming up soon and I'm SO SO SO SO SO nervous! I really hope that i make the team!! But if I don't I think I will be able to live!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Fun

Ok. Like I told you before, I have a really big volleyball camp in a week or so and I'm so excited for that! That same week I have a Wilde family reunion. I can't wait for that! I love each family's reunions. We always do such fun things together. A week before all that though I am going to Girls Camp. That is always my favorite part about young women. All of the girls act so much differently when its just all of us together. Hailey will be going this year so that will be really weird! :) JUST KIDDING! Then at the end of July I have Yearbook Camp. I had to apply to be in the yearbook class. The expectations were really high but I met all the requirements. Out of the 95 that applied, I was one of the 25 that made it! I'm SO excited for that because my friends Alysha, Taylor, Ryan, Kyleigh, and Randi all made it too so we will have so much fun. Pretty much all the yearbook camp is is we will be spending three days at the school and we will learn everything there is to know about making a yearbook. Then August 13-15 are volleyball tryouts! I am so nervous! I have been working really hard though so I really hope that all of my hard work pays off! If I don't make it at least I tried. :)
That's basically my summer plans!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Beginning of The End

School finally got out and to me that's way sad! I already miss my friends! I had a great school year and was so happy that I got to meet all of the cool people that I did.
Since school got out its been WAY boring!! oh well... what can ya do!
Then last weekend I went to Las Vegas with Cam for Bree's wedding! We all had so much fun! Bree's wedding was so pretty.
I have been getting ready for volleyball tryouts. I have a volleyball camp in two weeks and then tryouts are next month! I'm so nervous! It will be so much fun, though.
Hopefully I can do more fun stuff this summer to keep me busy.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just Another Update

Well Yesterday was the last day of the Tri. I am so happy! My grades were fairly well, but there was one that I wasn't particularly happy with.
1. English A
2. Orchestra A
3. Science A
4. History A-
5. PE A
6. Algebra B+ (that's the one that I wasn't happy with!)

Then today I have a big volleyball tournament in Salt Lake! Then we have a tournament tomorrow too. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Compatibility test

Ok like I promised I am writing the results of the compatibility test even though I was not happy with the results.

My eighth grade results were
1Brett Glover
2Levi Rodeback
3Matt Dewey
4Mckay Spackman
5Daniel Hinkson
6Nelson Ricks
7Mckay Milne
8Hayden Humphreys
9Edwardo Rodriguez
10 Allawishes Snodgrass (they made the teachers do it and this was one of them.)
11Ryley Hynter
12Jacob Pedersen
13Taylor Lenkersdorfer
14Riley Pence (one of my friends)
15Chandler Eskelson

My ninth grader results are:
1Wade Dority
2Ryan Reevs
3Mat Graves (EWWWW and i can say that cuz im in his ward!!!)
4Hayden Downs
5Dakota Elder
6Jorgen Mckenna
7Hayden Mickelson
8Trever Kulikowski
9Matt Knoppel
10Tyler Roberts
11Hayden Purser
12Nick Haynie (who's actuall an eighth grader)
13Dallin Christensen
14Alex Watts
15 Tommie Lee (who is also an eighth grader)
I am so mad at Tommie and Nick because I could have had two other 9th graders on there that might have been decent. But they had to be idiots. And the guy that I like is named Hayden Miles so when I kept seeing Hayden on there I thought it was him and then I got disappointed when I read the last name.
All in all I personally thought that this was a bunch of crap. And now apperantly we have to go talk to our #1's tomorrow. BLAH!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back on top

Okay I know that it's been about two months since I've posted. Sorry about that, but I'm going to try to post a lot more.
Christmas was pretty good. As most of you know, my family has been going through a hard time lately and so I spent the week up in Wyoming at my aunt Melanie's house. It was fun to be able to spend time with Melanie, Jon, and the kids.
January came and went. We had our first Volleyball tournament on the 16-17. We didn't do so great. We had another tournament on the 24th and we placed 2nd in that one. We've been improving so much over the past two or three months and I think that we will start to do a lot better.
The school, for Valentines day, is doing a compatibility test and during valentines week we will find out who we're most compatible with. I'm excited for that. :) I will post the results when I can!