Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Fun

Ok. Like I told you before, I have a really big volleyball camp in a week or so and I'm so excited for that! That same week I have a Wilde family reunion. I can't wait for that! I love each family's reunions. We always do such fun things together. A week before all that though I am going to Girls Camp. That is always my favorite part about young women. All of the girls act so much differently when its just all of us together. Hailey will be going this year so that will be really weird! :) JUST KIDDING! Then at the end of July I have Yearbook Camp. I had to apply to be in the yearbook class. The expectations were really high but I met all the requirements. Out of the 95 that applied, I was one of the 25 that made it! I'm SO excited for that because my friends Alysha, Taylor, Ryan, Kyleigh, and Randi all made it too so we will have so much fun. Pretty much all the yearbook camp is is we will be spending three days at the school and we will learn everything there is to know about making a yearbook. Then August 13-15 are volleyball tryouts! I am so nervous! I have been working really hard though so I really hope that all of my hard work pays off! If I don't make it at least I tried. :)
That's basically my summer plans!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Beginning of The End

School finally got out and to me that's way sad! I already miss my friends! I had a great school year and was so happy that I got to meet all of the cool people that I did.
Since school got out its been WAY boring!! oh well... what can ya do!
Then last weekend I went to Las Vegas with Cam for Bree's wedding! We all had so much fun! Bree's wedding was so pretty.
I have been getting ready for volleyball tryouts. I have a volleyball camp in two weeks and then tryouts are next month! I'm so nervous! It will be so much fun, though.
Hopefully I can do more fun stuff this summer to keep me busy.