Friday, September 17, 2010

Long time no blogging.

Well it's almost been two months since I've last written. In those two months alot has happened; both good and bad. I've lost one of the best friends I've ever had, I've lost someone I thought meant the world to me, I started school, I have an amazing new best friend, and I sometimes want to punch certain boys in the head. High School is such a big transition from being a freshman. As a sophomore I feel so much more independant and so much more free to do a lot more! I LOVE IT!! There is a lot more work and a lot more responsibility that comes with all this freedom, but I'm willing to be more responsible to have all my freedoms.
I've got to spend TONS of time with my friends. I made the volleyball team, so I've gotten to spend a lot of time at practice and games. I've also been spending plenty of time studying. So far I have a 4.0 GPA and I'm THRILLED!:] it makes me so happy:]
Well that's all for now.