Friday, April 29, 2011

New Year and such...

Well, I decided to check out my blog and see how things were holding up. It was then that I realized that I hadn't updated since the beginning of December. So now I've decided to update. well, the new year has been pretty amazing. School has been FABULOUS!! About 2 weeks ago I went to prom with one of my really good friends. We had so much fun and we both looked pretty great. Volleyball is going great and I'm sad that the club season is almost over... But that means that we get to start our summer season and we're getting ready for the school season. It's going to be a lot more fun this year when I get to play against all my friends from the other schools. I'm really hoping to make the varsity spot this year!! It's between me and this other girl for the spot. I'm super nervous. I'll update pictures from prom:] well that's been basically the summary of my year!