Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School has come!

Okay the first week of school has been a little complicated, but I've lasted!! I got lost twice the first day and didn't get lost after that!!! So that's good! All of my teachers are so cool!! They are all so funny and VERY patient!! They all have great ways to teach! So far I haven't been tardy! So I'm really hoping that will be the case for the rest of the year. It was so nice to see all of my friends again even if I do miss New York and Jersey, it's really nice to be home!!! My friends all gave me a great welcome and that was nice!! Well that's pretty much it for a while!!! sending love out to you all!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Little Italy

Well the moment I had been waiting for since we got here has finally come. Two nights ago me, Cameron, Frank, Tony, Danielle, and their daughter Rosalia all went to Little Italy. We went to Lumbardi's for dinner. They have the best meatball pizza that I have ever tasted. And little Rosalia wouldn't let her mom do anything, it had to be me. I had to pushed the stroller, I had to carry her, I had to take her to the bathroom, and I was happy to do all of that because she is the cutest little girl. She is so tiny and skinny. Then we walked around Little Italy and went into little shops and I found some pajama pants that say I love NY. And we stopped at Ferarra's and got some Lobster Tail for dessert. YUMMM!
And now it's time to get all of our clothes packed again and put into the car to get ready to leave tomorrow. We will be leaving at five o'clock Sunday morning and will get home late Monday night or early Tuesday morning.

Kidz Village

Today we went to a little kids place called Kidz Village. It was a really cute place for the kids and they sure had a lot of fun. There was a big playground and then there were a whole bunch of little stations for the kids to go to. There was a little dress up station with super heroes, a little station called The King's Diner that had fake food to make meals with, there was a theater, a hair salon, a High School Musical station where the kids would sing, and a lot more! They also had a whole bunch of arcade games that the kids loved.
All in all they had a pretty good time. There were only five kids but they all played together and so everyone had fun. And as soon as I download some pictures I will upload them on here cause I got some good pictures of the kids.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


When we were at the beach just a couple of days ago something very interesting happened. We were in the water and then all of a sudden people started getting out of the water and I was really confused about why. There was a huge group of people crowded around something and I wanted to see what so I got out as well. I walked over to the big group of people and I noticed one man in the water swimming around with something and then I saw what it was. It was a shark that was about 4-5 ft. long and probably a foot wide. So not too big but still I don't think that the guy knew what he was doing. Well he finally managed to pick it up and bring it to shore and show everyone and then took it back out to the water to get back out to the deeper part of the water. I don't know what happened after that but that shark didn't stop me from getting back into the water. I swam for a while and then someone brought out a dead horse-shoe crab. And again every one was out of the water. But in the end no one got hurt that i know of.
I will download the pictures as soon as I can!!

School is on it's way

Well I didn't get much school shopping done at home so I went school shopping out here yesterday. I only found one pair of pants and two or three shirts but they are way cute. Then we are going shopping at the mall again today and that, I think, will be a lot of fun. I also found a really cute back-pack at Target but I didn't get just in case I found any thing else I like. My mom and I will go shopping for binders and stuff like that after I get home. But I think that's a lot better so that I don't have to do that while I'm here.
Today is registration day at home and I am not going to be there to get my schedule or my locker or see my teachers so I will have to do that when I get home!!
Only a few more days till I come home and I really don't want to. I think that I will stay here for a few more years. Just kidding. So see you all soon!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Blessing

Well little Capri was blessed yesterday and it was so beautiful. The dress looked so good on her. Most of the family was there. And our family was the "quietest" family there! Ha yeah right!! The little kids were being pretty loud but they don't know any better. And Aunt Carrol's cell phone started ringing right in the middle of the blessing. It was kind of a muted sound while it was in her purse but the she took it out and it was louder then who knows what. I laughed so hard!
But afterwards we took family pictures with our church clothes on and then me and Noelle jumped into the pool even though it was raining. We had tons of fun. Then people started coming for the after party! So I swam for a minute and then found out that they had the dinner ready so I got out of that pool as fast as I could to go get dressed to eat!! I didn't get back in after that but I still had a lot of fun!! The place was so crowded but it was nice to know that all of those people were either there for the food or to celebrate Capri's blessing day! All of the people were so nice.
So Jersey has givin' me plenty of good times and I am willing to stay here even though I do miss my family!!

this is the family!!! (I took the picture!!!)\

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sweet Week!!

Well our drive out to Jersey was a little exhausting but we all had fun. And most of you know that I got really home sick the first couple nights and cryed because I was so home sick. But you have to cut me some slack! It was my first time that far away from home!!! So we stopped in North Platte, Nebraska the first night and then drove THROUGH the night the second night! We stayed at Noni's for a day and then left for the beach house. And the beach house is pretty big. The beach house has been loads of fun and I have gotten really tan in the process. Well more like a burn in the process. All of the family is together and we have all had our little fights here and there but we have all been okay, for the most part. On Sunday the third I went to an Avril Lagvine and Daughtry concert with aunt Nancy and Lexi and Tim!!! It was at the Tom's River Fest. Which was pretty much like a carnival. There were consession stands and rides and it was such a blast and I had the songs stuck in my head for the longest time. We have all been so tired lately because of the we've been non-stop going to the beach, catching crabs, and just running around chacing the kids! Being in that hot Jersey sun really does ware you out!! I went to a flee market and got the cutest Yankee's necklace!!So I have had tons of fun! Right now we are having a slight thunder storm but it has been like that for a couple days now. I can't wait to come see everyone out there. I know it sounds really weird but I am still a little home sick!!! But I am getting over it quite fast!! HAHA!!