Friday, August 8, 2008

Sweet Week!!

Well our drive out to Jersey was a little exhausting but we all had fun. And most of you know that I got really home sick the first couple nights and cryed because I was so home sick. But you have to cut me some slack! It was my first time that far away from home!!! So we stopped in North Platte, Nebraska the first night and then drove THROUGH the night the second night! We stayed at Noni's for a day and then left for the beach house. And the beach house is pretty big. The beach house has been loads of fun and I have gotten really tan in the process. Well more like a burn in the process. All of the family is together and we have all had our little fights here and there but we have all been okay, for the most part. On Sunday the third I went to an Avril Lagvine and Daughtry concert with aunt Nancy and Lexi and Tim!!! It was at the Tom's River Fest. Which was pretty much like a carnival. There were consession stands and rides and it was such a blast and I had the songs stuck in my head for the longest time. We have all been so tired lately because of the we've been non-stop going to the beach, catching crabs, and just running around chacing the kids! Being in that hot Jersey sun really does ware you out!! I went to a flee market and got the cutest Yankee's necklace!!So I have had tons of fun! Right now we are having a slight thunder storm but it has been like that for a couple days now. I can't wait to come see everyone out there. I know it sounds really weird but I am still a little home sick!!! But I am getting over it quite fast!! HAHA!!

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