Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Well this past Tuesday was my birthday. Mom, Hailey, and Dad all decorated my room with streamers. Then unfortunately for me I had to go to school. I got to school and ALL of my friends came up and said happy birthday and people around us would hear and say happy birthday. Lunch was the very worst though! The WHOLE lunch room sang to me at the top of their lungs. It started with my friends and then gradually more and more people started singing. People that I didn't even know sang to me. I could feel myself turning bright red!!! Then my sixth hour sang to me thanks to my friends. I got some pretty good presents.
I got a guitar and about 12 picks from Mom, Dad, and the kids.
Two WAY cute shirts from Grandma Nield. Thanks
$5 from Grandma Wilde
Soda and some chips from Cam. Thanks
and tons of stuff from my friends.
I will have to put all of the pictures that I got on here!!!


Chels said...

Happy Birthday!

Chels said...

tell your dad to invite me to his blog. i want to see this celebrity stuff. haha

if you need my email its

my mom will want to see it too
happy halloween!

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Happy Birthday!!

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

Happy late Birthday. What a great aunt I AM. I didn't even call you. Sorry sounds like you had a good one though.
Tell you dad to send me an invite as well.
Love ya!