Sunday, February 1, 2009

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Okay I know that it's been about two months since I've posted. Sorry about that, but I'm going to try to post a lot more.
Christmas was pretty good. As most of you know, my family has been going through a hard time lately and so I spent the week up in Wyoming at my aunt Melanie's house. It was fun to be able to spend time with Melanie, Jon, and the kids.
January came and went. We had our first Volleyball tournament on the 16-17. We didn't do so great. We had another tournament on the 24th and we placed 2nd in that one. We've been improving so much over the past two or three months and I think that we will start to do a lot better.
The school, for Valentines day, is doing a compatibility test and during valentines week we will find out who we're most compatible with. I'm excited for that. :) I will post the results when I can!


Eric and Alexis Beus said...

The valentine's thing sounds fun! We love you!

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

miss you. Good luck with volleyball