Monday, February 8, 2010


Well I think I've waited long enough to update.... NO BUENO! Im getting very fluent in spanish :D haha its pretty great! School is just as much drama as high school should be... o well... all we can do is focus on the positive right?
Well all of my teachers love me! I'm the "social butterfly" of the group, or so they tell my dad. It's really not my fault that when they sit me by my friends I talk and then when they move me I make new friends! School is going pretty good for the most part! I'm kinda ready to graduate but I've got to live for the moment. And there are some really good things that have been happening lately...
1) i ALMOST got my first kiss... but not quite ;)
2) i've been making so many new friends and i LOVE it!
3) i'm getting my hair cut... don't know how short yet but we'll just have to wait and see for that!
4) softball is starting soon! :D YAY OPEN GYM!!! (but secretly im debating on whether to do track or softball)
For now i think thats enough... my life is boring... haha until next time! ADIOS! :D


Chels said...

Haha I was the same way, I always would talk to the people around me haha. I cant really help it. SOFTBALL! Play softball! Its much better than running around in circles willingly, yuck, just play ball thats all i can say haha.

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Glad you updated! Sounds like you are having fun! Hang in there with the drama. Just so you know, unfortunately it never ends. We miss you guys!