Saturday, March 20, 2010


School registration is this month and there's so many options and not enough room to take all the classes I want to! I can't pick which ones I'd rather do... HELP!!!!!!
For science my options are:
1) biology
2) agricultural biology (which I'm not taking cause I'm not going to be a farmer)
or 3) chemistry
Then 3 of my electives are already set. Volleyball and 2 trimesters of seminary. Now I just need to pick 2 more. And I can't pick between two tri's of social dance where we get to learn fun dances like the waltz, line dancing, swing dancing, etc., or child developement (seeing as how I'm going to major in elementary edu.), or 2 tri's of choir! HELP!!!


Eric and Alexis Beus said...

For science I would say that chemistry is probably the hardest, but I wish I would have taken it in high school. As for the electives, I have always wanted to learn to dance and I say do something fun now while you don't have to pay for it and while you don't have to worry about getting your degree and worry about the Child Development later when you are in college. Hope that helps! :)

Chels said...

Ok, this is one thing I may be able to shed some light, as I'm just graduating and all this is still fresh to me:

I dont know a whole lot about agriculture bio, but Im sure its a lot photosynthesis and plant cells as opposed to normal bio where it touches on that and human cells and stuff. Chemistry is pretty interesting but lots and lots of math! I'm in that right now. I would take bio but thats just me becuase I hate math.

GOOD, seminary is important!

The dancing sounds fun, thats not offered at my school. The child development would be very important for your future so thats tough. I've never taken choir but to me thats out of the question. So if it were me I would have a hard time picking between dance and child d. haha and I would probably pick child d. but thats tough.

I dont know if this helps, but good luck haha.