Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The End is Near!

O my goodness!!! I can't believe that I've officially made it through my first year of high school. This year has definitely been one I'll never forget! I've met tons of new people and made TONS of new friends! I can't wait for next year! I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda happy this year is over. But I'm ready to leave this year behind and start off fresh! Sophomore year is going to be a blast and I can't wait for volleyball to start up again! =] It's going to be so much fun! Volleyball workouts all summer and hopefully I'll lose a pound or two... maybe 10 ha! We'll see! I'd like to thank all my amazing teachers for putting up with me through the year! I'm sure they had to deal with a lot of crap because no matter where they moved me, I always found someone to talk to. I'm sure they'll forgive me... and if not... o well haha

1 comment:

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Congrats! You will totally love the rest of high school! It gets better every year. Can't wait to see you guys!