Wednesday, December 8, 2010

um.... well it's been a little too long...

Well I went from not writing for 2 months to not writing for three months. I've got a good excuse though. School comes before play. Well the first tri of my official high school career is over. And my GPA for the tri was, I can't even believe it, a 4.0!!! On the last day of the tri, my biology teacher offered to let me retake a bunch of stuff which she says she never does for students but was willing to make the exception for me. If I hadn't retaken all those things I would've ended up with a 3.998. I love being a teacher's pet:] then they're nice to me!!:]
Our volleyball season went AMAZING!!! REGION CHAMPS '10!!! It was kind of a downer for me because I had to miss most of our games due to an ACL injury. But I loved watching my girls play! It was kind of nice to take a step back and realize how much they all really needed me. Haha not to sound conceited or anything ;)
I also turned 16 which permits me now to date!!! I asked one of my friends to sadie hawkins and we went together and had a blast!!! he's such a cutie! i'll put on our pictures cause they're so cute!!
This tri has been going on for 2 weeks now and I ABSOLUTELY love it! I didn't think it was possible until now to like this tri better than last. Although last tri did have its perks. I'm looking forward to the things that this tri brings.
I've realized in the past few months that boys are dumb and will break your heart no matter what, I've learned that even you're best friend can stab you in the back sometimes and I've also learned that you don't need to have one best friend. you can have many of them!
well that's my life at the moment:]

1 comment:

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Hey! So glad you updated! Those pictures are really cute! I always loved high school dances. They were my favorite! So enjoy them while you have them! :)