Friday, June 27, 2008

Girls Camp 2008

Well all of our young women in our ward left for Smithfield Canyon on Tuesday morning, and I have to admit, I wasn't too excited about camp this year when we got there. All our camp sight looked like was a big field of almost short grass and a couple picnic tables. So our leaders and our priesthood helpers got out the stuff from the trailer and the tents from the truck. We all had about four girls to one tent. Those four girls in my tent were Jayde Soto, Bri Wilkes, Stephanie Bland and myself of course. So we got our tent all set up and we realized that we put it right in the middle of the sun. So for the rest of the day our tent felt WAY hot. And since it was so hot we played a game that we made up called "Drip, Drip, Drench". It was so fun. All it was, was duck, duck, goose, but on drip you'd pour just a little water on her head, and then drench was where you poured the whole water bottle on her!!! It really helped but because I was wearing jeans I got a HUGE rash on my leg! They made us do a thirty minute scripture study before all of our devotionals. My friends Bri, Megan, Kellee and I were throwing jolly ranchers at each other. Random, I know. And that night the bishop took us on a night hike. He made us be silent for ten minutes and just look at the stars during that time to see how many could appear in ten minutes. He told us that we need to be like the stars: "Unique, and stead-fast and immovable. They all have different shapes and sizes just like you." Then Wednesday we went on a five mile hike. It was so much fun. I was one of the only ones that liked it. It felt really good to get up higher in the mountains and to enjoy the cool air while it lasted. Then yesterday we were all on the edge of our seats during the day because last night was testimony meeting. All of our bishopric was there and that made me feel a little better. Well as the night passed faster and faster I started thinking of what to say. One of my leaders and one of the directors read a really cute book. Then testimony meeting started. My friend Kat was the first one to bare her testimony. As she was going the spirit was so strong. I can't even describe how good it felt. It even made me cry!!! Then one of my other friends went and she was talking about how hard it was this Father's Day because her dad died when she was three. Then I went, and I had a huge long thing that thanked everyone for dealing with my crap and for all that they do for me. Well as I stood up I forgot everything that I was going to say. So I just had to wing it. Then afterwards my friend Jocelyn went. When she sat down she looked at me and said "when I said thanks for all the examples that have been set for me, I was talking about you." and that made me start crying even harder as if that was humanly possible. My friend Jayde stood up and was talking about how she was really grateful for everyone because she had fallen away from the church about a year ago and what an example we all were for her. She said that she didn't know what to believe but it finally hit her that she was here because of God. During that one I kept balling and balling. Then her sister Kellee stood up. She said that she was grateful for Jayde changing because during that year she didn't have that older sister example that she needed and she was kind of by herself. But then she said that during that time she always felt so comforted. Everybody bore their testimony last night. Not one person didn't!!! Last year all but one bore their testimony. It really made us grow closer and stronger as a ward family. Most of the girls that I thought I would never get along with, are now like sisters to me. It was a really great experience.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Babies are on the way!

Well if I haven't told you yet, my aunts Cameron and Tiffany are pregnant. Although their due dates are quite far apart they are both so thrilled to be pregnant again. My aunt Cam is due any day now. Little Capri will be born soon and everyone is so excited. Her two kids that she has right now (Noelle and Frankie) both know their little sister as if she was already born. My aunt Tiffany is due at the end of October with a little baby boy. They want to name him after my uncle Justin and my grandpa Carl. So they are planning on Justin Carl (JC) or Carl Justin (CJ). I think that they are both really cute. I can't wait till these two miracles are born into this world. They will both have wonderful parents and cute little siblings. I am so excited to be able to see all of the little babies being born in my family in the next few years. I am sure that they will be wonderful little miracles to their parents and to everyone else.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well in no more than a week I will be on my way to Girls Camp. This year we aren't going to far. We're just going up Smithfield Canyon to a cabin. Even though we will be traveling about fifteen-twenty miles I am so excited! I LOVE Girls Camp! Last year was my first year and I wouldn't trade that week for anything! It was so spiritual and funny at the same time. my friend Kat was so funny. She did so many things that made me laugh! One of my favorites though was never doing her hair! She even got two awards. One for the "Biggest Bed Head" and another for "The most Psychedelic Pajamas" in other words the rainbow pajama pants that she made for girls camp. And my friend Sashia who is in the picture had to pose for about 25 pictures. I got tons of pictures and they always remind me of the fun that we had at camp!! Yeah, we got sick of eachother from time to time but it all turned out great and fun in the end! And on the plus side, I got to spend an entire week with lots of my close friends! That was great. So I am so excited to finally see what will happen this year!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Well my family is pretty average sized. Well there is my mom and dad. The oldest is my 16 year old brother Derrick ( who isn't always the nicest person in the world but I love him!!), then there's me (the 13 year old miracle of the family). Just kidding. After me there is my almost 11 year old sister Hailey. She can be my best friend or she can be my worst enemy. Which ever it is, I love her. Then the youngest is my 9 year old brother Taylor. He is so funny. I love him to death even when he is annoying. My family is great. I know it may sound weird at my age but I love my family reunions on both sides. But it's usually on my mom's side that we get sick of each other within the three days we are together. My dad's side is the funnest though. We always go to Bear Lake and me and my cousins have so much fun!!!! My aunts Cameron and Tiffany are both pregnant.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Summer Plans

Well nothing much is happening this summer except my aunt Cam is having a baby girl.
They are planning on naming her Capri.
And at the end of July I will either be flying or driving out to New York and New Jersey.
I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be going with my aunt and uncle (Cameron and Frank Righetti). We will be spending a week in a beach house in New Jersey
and then stay with some relatives.
This picture was taken at the Righetti's house.
This was my Aunt Cam getting out of the Righetti's pool.
And in case you were wondering, she got pushed
in by her amazing husband Frank (he is so awesome!!).
Then in August, sadly,
school starts up again but now I am not in middle
school any more! I will be in junior high!