Thursday, June 19, 2008

Babies are on the way!

Well if I haven't told you yet, my aunts Cameron and Tiffany are pregnant. Although their due dates are quite far apart they are both so thrilled to be pregnant again. My aunt Cam is due any day now. Little Capri will be born soon and everyone is so excited. Her two kids that she has right now (Noelle and Frankie) both know their little sister as if she was already born. My aunt Tiffany is due at the end of October with a little baby boy. They want to name him after my uncle Justin and my grandpa Carl. So they are planning on Justin Carl (JC) or Carl Justin (CJ). I think that they are both really cute. I can't wait till these two miracles are born into this world. They will both have wonderful parents and cute little siblings. I am so excited to be able to see all of the little babies being born in my family in the next few years. I am sure that they will be wonderful little miracles to their parents and to everyone else.

1 comment:

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

Thanks for inviting us to your blog. We are way excited for our little boy and I'm sure he can't wait to meet all of his cousins.
Love ya!