Friday, June 13, 2008


Well in no more than a week I will be on my way to Girls Camp. This year we aren't going to far. We're just going up Smithfield Canyon to a cabin. Even though we will be traveling about fifteen-twenty miles I am so excited! I LOVE Girls Camp! Last year was my first year and I wouldn't trade that week for anything! It was so spiritual and funny at the same time. my friend Kat was so funny. She did so many things that made me laugh! One of my favorites though was never doing her hair! She even got two awards. One for the "Biggest Bed Head" and another for "The most Psychedelic Pajamas" in other words the rainbow pajama pants that she made for girls camp. And my friend Sashia who is in the picture had to pose for about 25 pictures. I got tons of pictures and they always remind me of the fun that we had at camp!! Yeah, we got sick of eachother from time to time but it all turned out great and fun in the end! And on the plus side, I got to spend an entire week with lots of my close friends! That was great. So I am so excited to finally see what will happen this year!

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