Tuesday, August 12, 2008


When we were at the beach just a couple of days ago something very interesting happened. We were in the water and then all of a sudden people started getting out of the water and I was really confused about why. There was a huge group of people crowded around something and I wanted to see what so I got out as well. I walked over to the big group of people and I noticed one man in the water swimming around with something and then I saw what it was. It was a shark that was about 4-5 ft. long and probably a foot wide. So not too big but still I don't think that the guy knew what he was doing. Well he finally managed to pick it up and bring it to shore and show everyone and then took it back out to the water to get back out to the deeper part of the water. I don't know what happened after that but that shark didn't stop me from getting back into the water. I swam for a while and then someone brought out a dead horse-shoe crab. And again every one was out of the water. But in the end no one got hurt that i know of.
I will download the pictures as soon as I can!!

1 comment:

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

sounds pretty exciting hope your having a blast. See you soon.