Thursday, September 25, 2008

Homecoming week!!

Well homecoming week at North Cache I would say is the funnest. Monday was crazy hair day and my hair was huge and frizzy and to "TOP" it all of I had three pony-tails sticking out the top of my head. Then on Tuesday it was pajama day and so I wore my awesome I love NY pj pants. Everybody loved them. Then Wednesday was bling bling/ decade day so I put a whole bunch of necklaces on and some rings (on every finger that I stole from my friend) and that was tonz of fun! Then today was super hero day and I couldn't find anything to do so today was boring. Then tomorrow is going to be my favorite day. Tomorrow is the homecoming game so it's school spirit day. I'm going to school with blue and yellow hair, my Sky View super fan shirt and some blue shorts, yellow and blue ribbons, face paint, awesome blue and yellow eye shadow and tonz more. I will down load the pix from the game tomorrow night!! It'll be tonz of fun!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Volleyball game

Well my first volleyball game was on Saturday. There aren't very many experienced people on my team which makes our team, well to be honest, not the best. So I went to the game with hopes that they might be able to serve and pass at least OK today. Then we played our first game and then all of those hopes went away! Then finally the second game came and we barely won. Thanks to my awesome serving. The final score was 25-23. We BARELY won!!! We were all so happy that we at least won one of our games. But it was our first game so maybe we'll get better before the championships!! We'll just have to wait and see!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Hey sorry for not up dating as much as I should but I have been majorly busy lately!! Man after the first week of school the teachers really pack on the home work!! Well there is the fact that I have been way busy and the fact that during the school year nothing too exciting ever happens! So, I will try to up date a lot more for those of you that care.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Well my first rec. volleyball practice was just a couple days ago. The sad thing is that 1: I was the best person on the team, 2: I was the only one older than a sixth grader. But it does feel good to be the best on the team. Then try outs for my club volleyball team are next month. The thing with that is that their coach just resigned and so if they don't get a coach by tryouts there won't be a team so I am really hoping that they find a new coach. I was really hoping that this would get me ready for tryouts for next years freshman team. I really hope that I make it. I'm pretty sure that I will because there aren't very many girls that play volleyball in my school, but there is still that chance that I won't make it. You never know though.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Up to Grandma's

Well yesterday Cameron stopped to let Gooch use the bathroom and ended up picking me up to go to Grandma Nield's with her. This was the first time that I had been to Grandma's house since the had redone the floor. When I walked in I was in shock. It was so much different. Instead of the yellow-brown tile there was really nice wood floor. I really liked it. I had a really good time. I played with the kids and we had the best dinner. There was B-B-Q chicken, fried zucini, and corn on the cob! It was so good. Before dinner we went for a ride up Montpelier canyon. We went to the reservoir where Grandpa Nield used to take us fishing when he was still here. I faintly remember sitting on the sand and helping my dad fish. It brought back memories of the year before he died when we went fishing and we had the boat. It was a great memory to keep!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dad at school

Well having Dad at school isn't as bad as I thought it was. Especially because all of my teachers love me for that reason! And all of the guys that have him keep asking me "Is Mr. Nield related to you??" and I have had to answer that question about fifty times (not exaggerating)!!! But it's nice that I don't have to ride the bus!!! And if I do ride the bus it's in the afternoon with my best friend Ady. So Dad has been a big help 'cause I really don't like the bus! Other than that Dad doesn't really show up all that often in my halls which is kind of a relief! He threatens to embarrass me if I do any thing to upset him. But there really isn't anything embarrassing in my life so far so that would be kinda' hard. But it's all been fun and I love North Cache and all of the teachers! They are so amazing for the most part!!!