Monday, September 22, 2008

Volleyball game

Well my first volleyball game was on Saturday. There aren't very many experienced people on my team which makes our team, well to be honest, not the best. So I went to the game with hopes that they might be able to serve and pass at least OK today. Then we played our first game and then all of those hopes went away! Then finally the second game came and we barely won. Thanks to my awesome serving. The final score was 25-23. We BARELY won!!! We were all so happy that we at least won one of our games. But it was our first game so maybe we'll get better before the championships!! We'll just have to wait and see!

1 comment:

Chels said...

hey, glad to see my crazy instructions to get your playlist on worked out all right. by the way, i love the pink and brown youve got right now, very cute.