Sunday, September 7, 2008

Up to Grandma's

Well yesterday Cameron stopped to let Gooch use the bathroom and ended up picking me up to go to Grandma Nield's with her. This was the first time that I had been to Grandma's house since the had redone the floor. When I walked in I was in shock. It was so much different. Instead of the yellow-brown tile there was really nice wood floor. I really liked it. I had a really good time. I played with the kids and we had the best dinner. There was B-B-Q chicken, fried zucini, and corn on the cob! It was so good. Before dinner we went for a ride up Montpelier canyon. We went to the reservoir where Grandpa Nield used to take us fishing when he was still here. I faintly remember sitting on the sand and helping my dad fish. It brought back memories of the year before he died when we went fishing and we had the boat. It was a great memory to keep!

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