Thursday, July 4, 2013


So lately I've had a lot of people trying to tell me in almost anything I do, that it's not enough, that what I do isn't good enough, and that the decisions I've set for my future aren't fulfilling my full potential. I've pretended not to notice and to just brush it off, but in reality it really takes a hit to my self esteem. It's hard, especially as a girl (having self confidence issues already), to hear that you aren't adding up to other's expectations. For the past few months I've really struggled to realize that most people don't say this to be offensive, they really just want me to progress, get better, and be happy, even if it doesn't come across that way. And sometimes what makes them happy won't be what makes me happy. After having a long talk with a good friend of mine, I decided that it's time to get some confidence. So here is my "Confidence Declaration": *You are enough. You don't need the approval of others to feel successful. You are enough. What you do is enough. If you try your hardest and give it everything you have, then no one can ask for anything more than that. Do what makes you happy despite the opinions of others. You are special and unique which makes you beautiful. You don't need to depend on others because you have yourself; and YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are strong, beautiful, and smart. Your Heavenly Father made you the way you are and He doesn't make mistakes, even though you do. You are not the mistakes you have made, you are not your past. Your Heavenly Father has prepared a way for those mistakes to be erased! Lean on Him in ALL things. Envision a future that makes you HAPPY; set goals to get you there. Do what it takes to meet those goals. You have all the potential in the world, everyone knows that. Now live up to that. Who you are is enough. You might not see it now but it's true. You were made to be a champion and that's exactly what you'll be. Don't get discouraged by the criticism of those around you because they don't know where you've been. Put yourself first for once. Take a day to do something FOR YOU! And don't feel guilty about it later! Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve. You deserve the best! And DON'T EVER FORGET THAT YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!*

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