Monday, June 9, 2008


Well my family is pretty average sized. Well there is my mom and dad. The oldest is my 16 year old brother Derrick ( who isn't always the nicest person in the world but I love him!!), then there's me (the 13 year old miracle of the family). Just kidding. After me there is my almost 11 year old sister Hailey. She can be my best friend or she can be my worst enemy. Which ever it is, I love her. Then the youngest is my 9 year old brother Taylor. He is so funny. I love him to death even when he is annoying. My family is great. I know it may sound weird at my age but I love my family reunions on both sides. But it's usually on my mom's side that we get sick of each other within the three days we are together. My dad's side is the funnest though. We always go to Bear Lake and me and my cousins have so much fun!!!! My aunts Cameron and Tiffany are both pregnant.

1 comment:

Chels said...

Very cute amanda.