Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Day Has Finally Come

Well for as long as I have been waiting for the day to leave for New York to come it is finally here. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon. I have been waiting for this day for a very long time and it is finally here. We will be leaving tomorrow and we will stop at a hotel in Nebraska I think and then will continue driving the next morning. We will get there on the first of August and then go to the beach house on the second till the ninth and then we will be blessing my aunt Cameron's daughter Capri on the tenth! We will be staying with family out there for the rest of the time. I will also get to finish my school shopping while we are there. I am so excited to finally be able to go. I have just left home and I am already home sick!! Pathetic I know. But it won't be too long before i come back.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Family Reunion Gone Good

This year for our Wilde family reunion we went to Afton, Wyoming. Our camp ground was so beautiful. This years reunion was the first one since my uncle Kevin died and I personally think that it was our closest. Grandma is writing a life sketch on Kevin's life and giving a copy to all of us. Grandpa said jokingly that this was probably the only reunion that Kevin has come to for the hole time. This year none of the kids or parents got in any arguments and that really surprised us all.
The 2 years ago when we were at that same campground, when we went to the lake, I was the only one that got a leech. Then this year I was the one that got the leech again because me and my cousins got on tubes and went out into the middle of the lake. It was pretty cool.
I rolled my ankle chasing my cousin right before we learned how to line dance to the Cotton Eye Joe. It was so swollen that I had to squeeze my foot into my tennis shoe. I could barely walk without a pain shooting up my leg. I some how managed to get out there and dance. My cousins and I made a new mocarina while dancing. Funny, funny.
We had a great time playing Free which is pretty much a tradition when ever there are enough grand kids to play together. All it is for anyone who doesn't know, it's hind and go seek except there is a base and you try to touch the base before they say 1-2-3 on who ever it is. The kids were always doing something together. It was so much fun. All in All I had a really enjoyable time. It was probably one of my favorite Wilde reunions!!
And there is less than a week left until I leave for New Jersey and New York with my aunt and uncle. We will be spending a week in a beach house. Then we will just hang around the city and stuff so I am so excited!! I am so excited to go back and see everyone again.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bear Lake

Yesterday afternoon me and my family went up to Bear Lake. We got there to find that my aunt Becky had rented a jet ski!! Every one was going on and every one had such a blast!! My aunt Melanie and I got on and we went and went and went!! I was having so much fun. There were a couple waves that almost knocked me of and that part scared me just a little!! My cousin Katelyn and I got some great pictures of our selves with my camera!! We would go sit in the sand after we got out of the water because we were so cold from the wind blowing so hard. I swear we all almost got hypothermia!! But in the end nothing bad happened... no injuries. In which case everything went great!!! I am so happy that had the opportunity to go!!
And my favorite part of the day... only eighteen more days until I leave for New York and New Jersey!!
Here are some pictures
Me and my cousin Katelyn
Me being a retard!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sleep ever!!

On Monday I went over to my friends Jayde and kellee's house. And our other friend Megan came over!! We set up the tent and put the air matresses and the sleeping bags into it and then sat up and played card games all night!!!!! Fun fun! We also played "would you rather" and "truth or dare". I had to do one of the FUNNEST things that I have ever had to do. I had to toiletpaper the neighbors house. . . well trailor but still, it was way fun. I got some pretty funny pictures with them but I can't find my connection cord at the moment so you will just have to wait to see what major fun we had!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

First of all my friend Ady is like my best friend ever!!!!! She is so cool!!! Well on the Fourth of July her mom had HER baby!! Her name is Esme Thomson! I haven't seen her yet but I already know that she is way cute!!!!
We went over to my aunt Angie's house for lunch!!! Me and my brothers and sister and cousins rode the fore wheelers the WHOLE time!!! We had a lot of fun!!

This is my brother cousin owen and sister

Then we went over to my aunt Cam's house for dinner! YUMMY!! We had dutch oven potatoes and chicken and they were both really good!! My brother and sister went swimming in their pool. Me and my mom and aunt Cam went and were trying on clothes for Capri to see what she should wear for her pictures!!
My aunt Mai and my uncle Jason came over. They brought Coco and Eddie (their dogs) and the new puppy Lucky! Well, my brother and sister and I begged and pleaded with our parents and they finally gave in! We brought him home and my dog Scrappy is a little jealous.
We did the fire works and had tons of fun!!

This is my dad and cousin Noelle. He got her to fall asleep by tickling her back!

This is my new puppy Lucky!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Capri is here

Yesterday little baby Capri was born! She was born at 11:02 pm. She weighs 10 pounds and 4 ounces. She is twenty-two inches!!!! I went and saw her today and she was the cutest
not-so-little thing I have ever seen! She has the cutest little rosie red, chubby cheeks. She wasn't awake all the way when I went but I got the cutest pictues that i will put on soon after i download them!!! And here they are!!!!

I am with my friend Ady right now!!! She is my bestest friend ever!!! We are going to watch a Knights Tale in just a minute so gotta run!!
Sending love out to all the people who read this!!!
Amanda Nield
This is me holding little baby Capri in the hospital!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

*Today is the day!!!!*

Well my aunt Cameron is going into the doctor today to get induced (they put her into labor)! That means that little Capri will be home in about 2-3 days. Cam has been ready for this day for the past three months! She has been having non stop pains and she has been so excited for the fact that Capri will be here today or early tomorrow moring!!! I am baby sitting Noelle and Gooch (her two kids) while her and her husband go to the hospital. Now the real problem is finding out which outfit to put her in when they come home! She hasn't decided yet! She hasn't been feeling too great the past few weeks and she knows she's ready. I can't even believe that this day is here already and I can't wait to see little Capri come home.