Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

First of all my friend Ady is like my best friend ever!!!!! She is so cool!!! Well on the Fourth of July her mom had HER baby!! Her name is Esme Thomson! I haven't seen her yet but I already know that she is way cute!!!!
We went over to my aunt Angie's house for lunch!!! Me and my brothers and sister and cousins rode the fore wheelers the WHOLE time!!! We had a lot of fun!!

This is my brother cousin owen and sister

Then we went over to my aunt Cam's house for dinner! YUMMY!! We had dutch oven potatoes and chicken and they were both really good!! My brother and sister went swimming in their pool. Me and my mom and aunt Cam went and were trying on clothes for Capri to see what she should wear for her pictures!!
My aunt Mai and my uncle Jason came over. They brought Coco and Eddie (their dogs) and the new puppy Lucky! Well, my brother and sister and I begged and pleaded with our parents and they finally gave in! We brought him home and my dog Scrappy is a little jealous.
We did the fire works and had tons of fun!!

This is my dad and cousin Noelle. He got her to fall asleep by tickling her back!

This is my new puppy Lucky!!

1 comment:

Chels said...

That all sounds like so much fun. That puppy is way way cute! You are so Lucky! Haha, get it?