Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bear Lake

Yesterday afternoon me and my family went up to Bear Lake. We got there to find that my aunt Becky had rented a jet ski!! Every one was going on and every one had such a blast!! My aunt Melanie and I got on and we went and went and went!! I was having so much fun. There were a couple waves that almost knocked me of and that part scared me just a little!! My cousin Katelyn and I got some great pictures of our selves with my camera!! We would go sit in the sand after we got out of the water because we were so cold from the wind blowing so hard. I swear we all almost got hypothermia!! But in the end nothing bad happened... no injuries. In which case everything went great!!! I am so happy that had the opportunity to go!!
And my favorite part of the day... only eighteen more days until I leave for New York and New Jersey!!
Here are some pictures
Me and my cousin Katelyn
Me being a retard!!!

1 comment:

Chels said...

Sounds like lots of fun. I'm pretty jelouse cause I love the water. To get you music on I'll just email you with instuctions if you still want it.