Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Book Thief

The past few weeks have been wonderful. When I'm not in the gym for volleyball workouts, or at work, I'm reading. I was skipping class one day a few months ago and I went to my favorite teacher, Steph's, classroom. She was teaching a younger class so I went and sat in my usual seat at her desk. I was looking for something to do and she told me to start reading the book she'd started: "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. I read the first page and knew immediately that no matter what, I was going to have to finish that book. The way it is written is so unique. It's written in death's point of view during WWII. Yes, I am aware that it sounds gruesome. I thought it sounded horrible but it is honestly written so beautifully. It really makes you think about things on a deeper level than we, as humans, are used to. I speak for all of us when I say humans are generally shallow minded, meaning we become too comfortable with things as they are and don't care or try to make changes or think deeper than what we consider comfortable. It is definitely on my top 5 list of favorite books! It is a must read. It's one of those books that you have to keep telling yourself, "Ok. Just one more chapter, then I really need to go to sleep." And before you know it, it's 5 o'clock in the morning. The pages just seem to drag you in and won't let you escape.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Volleyball 2011

So since it's been FOREVER since I've updated before this week I've decided to go through the past year and update the world on the most important things that have happened. Volleyball, basically being my entire life, must be mentioned in at least one post. This last year I was a Junior and I was good enough to play both JV and Varsity on our school team, which at our school is a great accomplishment in volleyball. Our JV team went undefeated all season long, and our Varsity team only lost one game. We were region champions and sadly took 6th in state out of 16 teams. I say sadly because we should've won. At the end of the season I got the great honor of being on the 1st team All Valley (Huge honor). I loved our team this year because we were all so close! We were ALL pretty much sisters. We did EVERYTHING together, from hanging out on the weekends, to going to the football games together, to team sleepovers. It was so incredible how close we all were. And the best part was that one of my best friends was on the team with me:) She's the blonde one that's in almost every single picture:) Here are just a few pictures to kind of show what the season was like, even though there aren't many pictures of us actually playing!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Update On Elder Nield:)

Derrick... excuse me.. Elder Nield has been in the Mission Field, serving in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma mission for 1 year and 2 months now. He absolutely loves it out there and has had such a good experience. There are a few airforce bases close to where he's at and he thinks that he wants to be a pilot now! His companion right now is Elder Dalia. Here are just a few pictures that he's sent to me. As much as I miss my brother, I know he's doing the right thing by being out there and it's so amazing to see how much he's grown just in the past year through a mission.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Prom, Homecoming, and Sadie's Pictures a Little Late

So I've decided that school dances are so much more fun when you go with your best friends! Here are the Prom pictures I promised from over a year ago along with pictures from Homecoming.Homecoming would've been the MOST awkward night of my life had my best friends not been in my group! My date LITERALLY (no exaggeration) said a total of 6 words the whole entire day and it was about his car.. which was pretty nice I guess but still... NOT OK!! The last pictures are of the Sadie Hawkins dance which was probably my favorite dance out of all of the dances that I've been to!:) My Goal is to catch up on all the things that my blog has missed and to continue to keep my blog going even when everything is up-to-date! But for now: Adios Amigos