Sunday, June 10, 2012

Prom, Homecoming, and Sadie's Pictures a Little Late

So I've decided that school dances are so much more fun when you go with your best friends! Here are the Prom pictures I promised from over a year ago along with pictures from Homecoming.Homecoming would've been the MOST awkward night of my life had my best friends not been in my group! My date LITERALLY (no exaggeration) said a total of 6 words the whole entire day and it was about his car.. which was pretty nice I guess but still... NOT OK!! The last pictures are of the Sadie Hawkins dance which was probably my favorite dance out of all of the dances that I've been to!:) My Goal is to catch up on all the things that my blog has missed and to continue to keep my blog going even when everything is up-to-date! But for now: Adios Amigos

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