Tuesday, July 1, 2008

*Today is the day!!!!*

Well my aunt Cameron is going into the doctor today to get induced (they put her into labor)! That means that little Capri will be home in about 2-3 days. Cam has been ready for this day for the past three months! She has been having non stop pains and she has been so excited for the fact that Capri will be here today or early tomorrow moring!!! I am baby sitting Noelle and Gooch (her two kids) while her and her husband go to the hospital. Now the real problem is finding out which outfit to put her in when they come home! She hasn't decided yet! She hasn't been feeling too great the past few weeks and she knows she's ready. I can't even believe that this day is here already and I can't wait to see little Capri come home.

1 comment:

Chels said...

I know! Isn't it exciting!
Really cute blog by the way.