Friday, December 12, 2008

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Well it's been a while and I forgot to tell you all about the tree. I all alone set up our family's Christmas tree and it took a lot longer than it should have cause we didn't have the directions, so I was stuck comparing the length of all of the leaves. After about an hour and a half, all of the leaves were hung up and we got all of the lights and the ornaments put on and it looked great. I just hope I don't have to put it up all by my self next year.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Volleyball practices!!!

Well on the first of December I had my first volleyball practice. About four or five girls got a chance to make the better 14 team. I, unfortunately, was not one of those girls. But at the end of practice they said that 1-2 girls would move up to the 15 year old team. They said they were thinking about letting me move up to that team. So for our conditioning we did 1:30 minutes of wall sits, 75 sit ups, and 30 push ups. I was fine with the sit ups and push ups but I couldn't feel my legs after the wall sits. So I went home not getting my hopes too high about moving up and that's really good because the teams had some problems and so they sent the 15 team up to the 16 team because they ended up with 4 girls. So no one moved up. But I'm gonna be okay with where I'm at so. . . just being able to play is good enough for me!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Which female Cullen are you?


go to to find out.

Quick update

Well since the school year has started I haven't had much time to update you guys on my boring life.

Well since the last time I wrote nothing much has happened. I had my mountain west tryouts! It was tons of fun!!! There is an A, B, and C team and I made it onto the 14 B team. So that's pretty good, but there still is a chance for about 5 of the girls on the B team to move up onto the A team and I am really hoping to move up onto the A team. Alot of my friends also tried out and we're on the same team. I really can't wait for the season to start.
And the end of tri is on Monday!! I have straight A's!!! I promise to TRY to update my blog alot more.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Volleyball has come and gone

Well my Rec. Volleyball season is over. My team got second place in the tournament. So we did pretty well. All of our team improved drastically through the season. I was so proud that we were so close to winning. But we had TONS of fun and that's all that matters.
Then in church volleyball my ward went to regionals and we played Wednesday. Wednesday we played 4 games. Then we played on Thursday and we played 2 games. And then we played on Friday and played 2 games and lost the second. If we had won we would've gone to the championship. We got fourth place. It was so much fun.
And on top of all of that, I have volleyball tryouts on Monday for Mountain West which is a club volleyball team. My cousin Kelsey, my friends Taylor and Kellee, and I are all trying out. We probably won't play on the same teams though. It just depends. So as soon as my dad downloads all of the pictures of volley ball I will download them.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Well this past Tuesday was my birthday. Mom, Hailey, and Dad all decorated my room with streamers. Then unfortunately for me I had to go to school. I got to school and ALL of my friends came up and said happy birthday and people around us would hear and say happy birthday. Lunch was the very worst though! The WHOLE lunch room sang to me at the top of their lungs. It started with my friends and then gradually more and more people started singing. People that I didn't even know sang to me. I could feel myself turning bright red!!! Then my sixth hour sang to me thanks to my friends. I got some pretty good presents.
I got a guitar and about 12 picks from Mom, Dad, and the kids.
Two WAY cute shirts from Grandma Nield. Thanks
$5 from Grandma Wilde
Soda and some chips from Cam. Thanks
and tons of stuff from my friends.
I will have to put all of the pictures that I got on here!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Funny pictures

Me and Hailey were taking funny pictures. So here they are:

These ones are of Hailey

These ones are of Taylor

And this scary one is of me!

Friday, October 10, 2008

News update

Well I came home from school on Wednesday and I walked in and my dad looked at me and smiled. He said "Tiffany just had her baby." I was so happy. I ended up missing my volleyball practice to go see CJ Nield. He is so tiny. Justin showed me a picture of Brylee when she was a baby and CJ looks just like she did but with strait hair.

This is a picture of CJ

Yesterday was parent teacher conferences. I wasn't at all worried. We got there and talked to my last hour teacher first. I had and A. We went through all of the rest of my classes and I had all A's. The lowest grade I have is 96% which is still an A. Mom was proud of me.
Last night my friends Kiley, Emmie, Cara Lee, Bri, and I all had a sleep over at Kiley's grandparents house. Her Grandma's bishop came and talked to us about all of the Clarkston Folklore out there. He started by telling us about the City Creek Woman. After that we were all a little freaked out. I wished that I could have gotten pictures of all of there faces. And since City Creek was right down the street we all wanted Kiley's cool uncle to take us down there to see if we could see the City Creek Woman. He said he would take us but Cara Lee was so scared that she couldn't go. So we decided that we would go to the Clarkston Cemetery instead but we couldn't go there either. Cara Lee got so scared that instead of watching a scary movie like we had planned, we had to watch "Nacho Libre". After you've seen that ten times it kinda gets old. All of us were a little upset that we couldn't do anything scary but we lived through the night!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Homecoming week!!

Well homecoming week at North Cache I would say is the funnest. Monday was crazy hair day and my hair was huge and frizzy and to "TOP" it all of I had three pony-tails sticking out the top of my head. Then on Tuesday it was pajama day and so I wore my awesome I love NY pj pants. Everybody loved them. Then Wednesday was bling bling/ decade day so I put a whole bunch of necklaces on and some rings (on every finger that I stole from my friend) and that was tonz of fun! Then today was super hero day and I couldn't find anything to do so today was boring. Then tomorrow is going to be my favorite day. Tomorrow is the homecoming game so it's school spirit day. I'm going to school with blue and yellow hair, my Sky View super fan shirt and some blue shorts, yellow and blue ribbons, face paint, awesome blue and yellow eye shadow and tonz more. I will down load the pix from the game tomorrow night!! It'll be tonz of fun!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Volleyball game

Well my first volleyball game was on Saturday. There aren't very many experienced people on my team which makes our team, well to be honest, not the best. So I went to the game with hopes that they might be able to serve and pass at least OK today. Then we played our first game and then all of those hopes went away! Then finally the second game came and we barely won. Thanks to my awesome serving. The final score was 25-23. We BARELY won!!! We were all so happy that we at least won one of our games. But it was our first game so maybe we'll get better before the championships!! We'll just have to wait and see!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Hey sorry for not up dating as much as I should but I have been majorly busy lately!! Man after the first week of school the teachers really pack on the home work!! Well there is the fact that I have been way busy and the fact that during the school year nothing too exciting ever happens! So, I will try to up date a lot more for those of you that care.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Well my first rec. volleyball practice was just a couple days ago. The sad thing is that 1: I was the best person on the team, 2: I was the only one older than a sixth grader. But it does feel good to be the best on the team. Then try outs for my club volleyball team are next month. The thing with that is that their coach just resigned and so if they don't get a coach by tryouts there won't be a team so I am really hoping that they find a new coach. I was really hoping that this would get me ready for tryouts for next years freshman team. I really hope that I make it. I'm pretty sure that I will because there aren't very many girls that play volleyball in my school, but there is still that chance that I won't make it. You never know though.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Up to Grandma's

Well yesterday Cameron stopped to let Gooch use the bathroom and ended up picking me up to go to Grandma Nield's with her. This was the first time that I had been to Grandma's house since the had redone the floor. When I walked in I was in shock. It was so much different. Instead of the yellow-brown tile there was really nice wood floor. I really liked it. I had a really good time. I played with the kids and we had the best dinner. There was B-B-Q chicken, fried zucini, and corn on the cob! It was so good. Before dinner we went for a ride up Montpelier canyon. We went to the reservoir where Grandpa Nield used to take us fishing when he was still here. I faintly remember sitting on the sand and helping my dad fish. It brought back memories of the year before he died when we went fishing and we had the boat. It was a great memory to keep!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dad at school

Well having Dad at school isn't as bad as I thought it was. Especially because all of my teachers love me for that reason! And all of the guys that have him keep asking me "Is Mr. Nield related to you??" and I have had to answer that question about fifty times (not exaggerating)!!! But it's nice that I don't have to ride the bus!!! And if I do ride the bus it's in the afternoon with my best friend Ady. So Dad has been a big help 'cause I really don't like the bus! Other than that Dad doesn't really show up all that often in my halls which is kind of a relief! He threatens to embarrass me if I do any thing to upset him. But there really isn't anything embarrassing in my life so far so that would be kinda' hard. But it's all been fun and I love North Cache and all of the teachers! They are so amazing for the most part!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School has come!

Okay the first week of school has been a little complicated, but I've lasted!! I got lost twice the first day and didn't get lost after that!!! So that's good! All of my teachers are so cool!! They are all so funny and VERY patient!! They all have great ways to teach! So far I haven't been tardy! So I'm really hoping that will be the case for the rest of the year. It was so nice to see all of my friends again even if I do miss New York and Jersey, it's really nice to be home!!! My friends all gave me a great welcome and that was nice!! Well that's pretty much it for a while!!! sending love out to you all!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Little Italy

Well the moment I had been waiting for since we got here has finally come. Two nights ago me, Cameron, Frank, Tony, Danielle, and their daughter Rosalia all went to Little Italy. We went to Lumbardi's for dinner. They have the best meatball pizza that I have ever tasted. And little Rosalia wouldn't let her mom do anything, it had to be me. I had to pushed the stroller, I had to carry her, I had to take her to the bathroom, and I was happy to do all of that because she is the cutest little girl. She is so tiny and skinny. Then we walked around Little Italy and went into little shops and I found some pajama pants that say I love NY. And we stopped at Ferarra's and got some Lobster Tail for dessert. YUMMM!
And now it's time to get all of our clothes packed again and put into the car to get ready to leave tomorrow. We will be leaving at five o'clock Sunday morning and will get home late Monday night or early Tuesday morning.

Kidz Village

Today we went to a little kids place called Kidz Village. It was a really cute place for the kids and they sure had a lot of fun. There was a big playground and then there were a whole bunch of little stations for the kids to go to. There was a little dress up station with super heroes, a little station called The King's Diner that had fake food to make meals with, there was a theater, a hair salon, a High School Musical station where the kids would sing, and a lot more! They also had a whole bunch of arcade games that the kids loved.
All in all they had a pretty good time. There were only five kids but they all played together and so everyone had fun. And as soon as I download some pictures I will upload them on here cause I got some good pictures of the kids.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


When we were at the beach just a couple of days ago something very interesting happened. We were in the water and then all of a sudden people started getting out of the water and I was really confused about why. There was a huge group of people crowded around something and I wanted to see what so I got out as well. I walked over to the big group of people and I noticed one man in the water swimming around with something and then I saw what it was. It was a shark that was about 4-5 ft. long and probably a foot wide. So not too big but still I don't think that the guy knew what he was doing. Well he finally managed to pick it up and bring it to shore and show everyone and then took it back out to the water to get back out to the deeper part of the water. I don't know what happened after that but that shark didn't stop me from getting back into the water. I swam for a while and then someone brought out a dead horse-shoe crab. And again every one was out of the water. But in the end no one got hurt that i know of.
I will download the pictures as soon as I can!!

School is on it's way

Well I didn't get much school shopping done at home so I went school shopping out here yesterday. I only found one pair of pants and two or three shirts but they are way cute. Then we are going shopping at the mall again today and that, I think, will be a lot of fun. I also found a really cute back-pack at Target but I didn't get just in case I found any thing else I like. My mom and I will go shopping for binders and stuff like that after I get home. But I think that's a lot better so that I don't have to do that while I'm here.
Today is registration day at home and I am not going to be there to get my schedule or my locker or see my teachers so I will have to do that when I get home!!
Only a few more days till I come home and I really don't want to. I think that I will stay here for a few more years. Just kidding. So see you all soon!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Blessing

Well little Capri was blessed yesterday and it was so beautiful. The dress looked so good on her. Most of the family was there. And our family was the "quietest" family there! Ha yeah right!! The little kids were being pretty loud but they don't know any better. And Aunt Carrol's cell phone started ringing right in the middle of the blessing. It was kind of a muted sound while it was in her purse but the she took it out and it was louder then who knows what. I laughed so hard!
But afterwards we took family pictures with our church clothes on and then me and Noelle jumped into the pool even though it was raining. We had tons of fun. Then people started coming for the after party! So I swam for a minute and then found out that they had the dinner ready so I got out of that pool as fast as I could to go get dressed to eat!! I didn't get back in after that but I still had a lot of fun!! The place was so crowded but it was nice to know that all of those people were either there for the food or to celebrate Capri's blessing day! All of the people were so nice.
So Jersey has givin' me plenty of good times and I am willing to stay here even though I do miss my family!!

this is the family!!! (I took the picture!!!)\

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sweet Week!!

Well our drive out to Jersey was a little exhausting but we all had fun. And most of you know that I got really home sick the first couple nights and cryed because I was so home sick. But you have to cut me some slack! It was my first time that far away from home!!! So we stopped in North Platte, Nebraska the first night and then drove THROUGH the night the second night! We stayed at Noni's for a day and then left for the beach house. And the beach house is pretty big. The beach house has been loads of fun and I have gotten really tan in the process. Well more like a burn in the process. All of the family is together and we have all had our little fights here and there but we have all been okay, for the most part. On Sunday the third I went to an Avril Lagvine and Daughtry concert with aunt Nancy and Lexi and Tim!!! It was at the Tom's River Fest. Which was pretty much like a carnival. There were consession stands and rides and it was such a blast and I had the songs stuck in my head for the longest time. We have all been so tired lately because of the we've been non-stop going to the beach, catching crabs, and just running around chacing the kids! Being in that hot Jersey sun really does ware you out!! I went to a flee market and got the cutest Yankee's necklace!!So I have had tons of fun! Right now we are having a slight thunder storm but it has been like that for a couple days now. I can't wait to come see everyone out there. I know it sounds really weird but I am still a little home sick!!! But I am getting over it quite fast!! HAHA!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Day Has Finally Come

Well for as long as I have been waiting for the day to leave for New York to come it is finally here. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon. I have been waiting for this day for a very long time and it is finally here. We will be leaving tomorrow and we will stop at a hotel in Nebraska I think and then will continue driving the next morning. We will get there on the first of August and then go to the beach house on the second till the ninth and then we will be blessing my aunt Cameron's daughter Capri on the tenth! We will be staying with family out there for the rest of the time. I will also get to finish my school shopping while we are there. I am so excited to finally be able to go. I have just left home and I am already home sick!! Pathetic I know. But it won't be too long before i come back.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Family Reunion Gone Good

This year for our Wilde family reunion we went to Afton, Wyoming. Our camp ground was so beautiful. This years reunion was the first one since my uncle Kevin died and I personally think that it was our closest. Grandma is writing a life sketch on Kevin's life and giving a copy to all of us. Grandpa said jokingly that this was probably the only reunion that Kevin has come to for the hole time. This year none of the kids or parents got in any arguments and that really surprised us all.
The 2 years ago when we were at that same campground, when we went to the lake, I was the only one that got a leech. Then this year I was the one that got the leech again because me and my cousins got on tubes and went out into the middle of the lake. It was pretty cool.
I rolled my ankle chasing my cousin right before we learned how to line dance to the Cotton Eye Joe. It was so swollen that I had to squeeze my foot into my tennis shoe. I could barely walk without a pain shooting up my leg. I some how managed to get out there and dance. My cousins and I made a new mocarina while dancing. Funny, funny.
We had a great time playing Free which is pretty much a tradition when ever there are enough grand kids to play together. All it is for anyone who doesn't know, it's hind and go seek except there is a base and you try to touch the base before they say 1-2-3 on who ever it is. The kids were always doing something together. It was so much fun. All in All I had a really enjoyable time. It was probably one of my favorite Wilde reunions!!
And there is less than a week left until I leave for New Jersey and New York with my aunt and uncle. We will be spending a week in a beach house. Then we will just hang around the city and stuff so I am so excited!! I am so excited to go back and see everyone again.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bear Lake

Yesterday afternoon me and my family went up to Bear Lake. We got there to find that my aunt Becky had rented a jet ski!! Every one was going on and every one had such a blast!! My aunt Melanie and I got on and we went and went and went!! I was having so much fun. There were a couple waves that almost knocked me of and that part scared me just a little!! My cousin Katelyn and I got some great pictures of our selves with my camera!! We would go sit in the sand after we got out of the water because we were so cold from the wind blowing so hard. I swear we all almost got hypothermia!! But in the end nothing bad happened... no injuries. In which case everything went great!!! I am so happy that had the opportunity to go!!
And my favorite part of the day... only eighteen more days until I leave for New York and New Jersey!!
Here are some pictures
Me and my cousin Katelyn
Me being a retard!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sleep ever!!

On Monday I went over to my friends Jayde and kellee's house. And our other friend Megan came over!! We set up the tent and put the air matresses and the sleeping bags into it and then sat up and played card games all night!!!!! Fun fun! We also played "would you rather" and "truth or dare". I had to do one of the FUNNEST things that I have ever had to do. I had to toiletpaper the neighbors house. . . well trailor but still, it was way fun. I got some pretty funny pictures with them but I can't find my connection cord at the moment so you will just have to wait to see what major fun we had!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

First of all my friend Ady is like my best friend ever!!!!! She is so cool!!! Well on the Fourth of July her mom had HER baby!! Her name is Esme Thomson! I haven't seen her yet but I already know that she is way cute!!!!
We went over to my aunt Angie's house for lunch!!! Me and my brothers and sister and cousins rode the fore wheelers the WHOLE time!!! We had a lot of fun!!

This is my brother cousin owen and sister

Then we went over to my aunt Cam's house for dinner! YUMMY!! We had dutch oven potatoes and chicken and they were both really good!! My brother and sister went swimming in their pool. Me and my mom and aunt Cam went and were trying on clothes for Capri to see what she should wear for her pictures!!
My aunt Mai and my uncle Jason came over. They brought Coco and Eddie (their dogs) and the new puppy Lucky! Well, my brother and sister and I begged and pleaded with our parents and they finally gave in! We brought him home and my dog Scrappy is a little jealous.
We did the fire works and had tons of fun!!

This is my dad and cousin Noelle. He got her to fall asleep by tickling her back!

This is my new puppy Lucky!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Capri is here

Yesterday little baby Capri was born! She was born at 11:02 pm. She weighs 10 pounds and 4 ounces. She is twenty-two inches!!!! I went and saw her today and she was the cutest
not-so-little thing I have ever seen! She has the cutest little rosie red, chubby cheeks. She wasn't awake all the way when I went but I got the cutest pictues that i will put on soon after i download them!!! And here they are!!!!

I am with my friend Ady right now!!! She is my bestest friend ever!!! We are going to watch a Knights Tale in just a minute so gotta run!!
Sending love out to all the people who read this!!!
Amanda Nield
This is me holding little baby Capri in the hospital!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

*Today is the day!!!!*

Well my aunt Cameron is going into the doctor today to get induced (they put her into labor)! That means that little Capri will be home in about 2-3 days. Cam has been ready for this day for the past three months! She has been having non stop pains and she has been so excited for the fact that Capri will be here today or early tomorrow moring!!! I am baby sitting Noelle and Gooch (her two kids) while her and her husband go to the hospital. Now the real problem is finding out which outfit to put her in when they come home! She hasn't decided yet! She hasn't been feeling too great the past few weeks and she knows she's ready. I can't even believe that this day is here already and I can't wait to see little Capri come home.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Girls Camp 2008

Well all of our young women in our ward left for Smithfield Canyon on Tuesday morning, and I have to admit, I wasn't too excited about camp this year when we got there. All our camp sight looked like was a big field of almost short grass and a couple picnic tables. So our leaders and our priesthood helpers got out the stuff from the trailer and the tents from the truck. We all had about four girls to one tent. Those four girls in my tent were Jayde Soto, Bri Wilkes, Stephanie Bland and myself of course. So we got our tent all set up and we realized that we put it right in the middle of the sun. So for the rest of the day our tent felt WAY hot. And since it was so hot we played a game that we made up called "Drip, Drip, Drench". It was so fun. All it was, was duck, duck, goose, but on drip you'd pour just a little water on her head, and then drench was where you poured the whole water bottle on her!!! It really helped but because I was wearing jeans I got a HUGE rash on my leg! They made us do a thirty minute scripture study before all of our devotionals. My friends Bri, Megan, Kellee and I were throwing jolly ranchers at each other. Random, I know. And that night the bishop took us on a night hike. He made us be silent for ten minutes and just look at the stars during that time to see how many could appear in ten minutes. He told us that we need to be like the stars: "Unique, and stead-fast and immovable. They all have different shapes and sizes just like you." Then Wednesday we went on a five mile hike. It was so much fun. I was one of the only ones that liked it. It felt really good to get up higher in the mountains and to enjoy the cool air while it lasted. Then yesterday we were all on the edge of our seats during the day because last night was testimony meeting. All of our bishopric was there and that made me feel a little better. Well as the night passed faster and faster I started thinking of what to say. One of my leaders and one of the directors read a really cute book. Then testimony meeting started. My friend Kat was the first one to bare her testimony. As she was going the spirit was so strong. I can't even describe how good it felt. It even made me cry!!! Then one of my other friends went and she was talking about how hard it was this Father's Day because her dad died when she was three. Then I went, and I had a huge long thing that thanked everyone for dealing with my crap and for all that they do for me. Well as I stood up I forgot everything that I was going to say. So I just had to wing it. Then afterwards my friend Jocelyn went. When she sat down she looked at me and said "when I said thanks for all the examples that have been set for me, I was talking about you." and that made me start crying even harder as if that was humanly possible. My friend Jayde stood up and was talking about how she was really grateful for everyone because she had fallen away from the church about a year ago and what an example we all were for her. She said that she didn't know what to believe but it finally hit her that she was here because of God. During that one I kept balling and balling. Then her sister Kellee stood up. She said that she was grateful for Jayde changing because during that year she didn't have that older sister example that she needed and she was kind of by herself. But then she said that during that time she always felt so comforted. Everybody bore their testimony last night. Not one person didn't!!! Last year all but one bore their testimony. It really made us grow closer and stronger as a ward family. Most of the girls that I thought I would never get along with, are now like sisters to me. It was a really great experience.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Babies are on the way!

Well if I haven't told you yet, my aunts Cameron and Tiffany are pregnant. Although their due dates are quite far apart they are both so thrilled to be pregnant again. My aunt Cam is due any day now. Little Capri will be born soon and everyone is so excited. Her two kids that she has right now (Noelle and Frankie) both know their little sister as if she was already born. My aunt Tiffany is due at the end of October with a little baby boy. They want to name him after my uncle Justin and my grandpa Carl. So they are planning on Justin Carl (JC) or Carl Justin (CJ). I think that they are both really cute. I can't wait till these two miracles are born into this world. They will both have wonderful parents and cute little siblings. I am so excited to be able to see all of the little babies being born in my family in the next few years. I am sure that they will be wonderful little miracles to their parents and to everyone else.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well in no more than a week I will be on my way to Girls Camp. This year we aren't going to far. We're just going up Smithfield Canyon to a cabin. Even though we will be traveling about fifteen-twenty miles I am so excited! I LOVE Girls Camp! Last year was my first year and I wouldn't trade that week for anything! It was so spiritual and funny at the same time. my friend Kat was so funny. She did so many things that made me laugh! One of my favorites though was never doing her hair! She even got two awards. One for the "Biggest Bed Head" and another for "The most Psychedelic Pajamas" in other words the rainbow pajama pants that she made for girls camp. And my friend Sashia who is in the picture had to pose for about 25 pictures. I got tons of pictures and they always remind me of the fun that we had at camp!! Yeah, we got sick of eachother from time to time but it all turned out great and fun in the end! And on the plus side, I got to spend an entire week with lots of my close friends! That was great. So I am so excited to finally see what will happen this year!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Well my family is pretty average sized. Well there is my mom and dad. The oldest is my 16 year old brother Derrick ( who isn't always the nicest person in the world but I love him!!), then there's me (the 13 year old miracle of the family). Just kidding. After me there is my almost 11 year old sister Hailey. She can be my best friend or she can be my worst enemy. Which ever it is, I love her. Then the youngest is my 9 year old brother Taylor. He is so funny. I love him to death even when he is annoying. My family is great. I know it may sound weird at my age but I love my family reunions on both sides. But it's usually on my mom's side that we get sick of each other within the three days we are together. My dad's side is the funnest though. We always go to Bear Lake and me and my cousins have so much fun!!!! My aunts Cameron and Tiffany are both pregnant.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Summer Plans

Well nothing much is happening this summer except my aunt Cam is having a baby girl.
They are planning on naming her Capri.
And at the end of July I will either be flying or driving out to New York and New Jersey.
I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be going with my aunt and uncle (Cameron and Frank Righetti). We will be spending a week in a beach house in New Jersey
and then stay with some relatives.
This picture was taken at the Righetti's house.
This was my Aunt Cam getting out of the Righetti's pool.
And in case you were wondering, she got pushed
in by her amazing husband Frank (he is so awesome!!).
Then in August, sadly,
school starts up again but now I am not in middle
school any more! I will be in junior high!